CooL PradeeP



Bellanwila Raja Maha Viharaya houses a series of 
painted murals depicting several episodes in the life 
of the Gautama Buddha. The largest of the murals - a
full 6 metres by 14 metres, is a single unified 
composition depicting 13 episodes in the life of the 
prince, from early childhood up to the time of his enlightenment. These include Siddhartha's education
in music and the arts; his training as a young warrior 
in the martial arts, archery and swordsmanship, his 
marriage ceremony, his indulgence in sensual 
pleasures, his experiences traveling outside the 
place grounds (where the young prince witnessed the suffering that encountered him to seek a way to end 
all suffering), his association with hermits, ascetics and philosophers, and finally, his achievement of nirvana. 

Wood Carvin

Wood panel from an old door ... Lion has always been revered in Sri Lankan lore. After all, the major race in Sri Lanka, the Sinhalese , are supposed to be descendants 
of a lion. (Sinha, lion and le', blood in Sinhala, the 
language of the majority of the people). The lion is also prominently displayed on the flag of Sri Lanka.This wood carving of a lion, possibly part of a set, looks well aged
from the appearance, and the fine patina that it has acquired.Most likely places to see native hardwood
(teak, mahogany, ebony) panels like these are the 
old Buddhist temples, and some of the old mansions 
that belong to some of the established 
families in the country.


From time immemorial Sri Lanka has had a 
sparkling reputation for highly treasured gems. 
Nature in her bounty has chosen the bosom of 
Sri Lanka to enshrine some of her rarest treasures. 
Blue Sapphires, Cat's Eyes, Alexandrites, Rubies, 
Star stones found embedded in layer of gravel and 
sand, in river beds, marshes, fields or accumulated 
at the foot of hills have made Sri Lanka the renowned 
island for gems. These precious stones perfected 
in the laboratory of nature lay hidden of countless 
ages,their luster undimmed, their value unrecognized.
To read more about Sri Lanka Gems
please follow this link.

A Faberge' elephant?

A Faberge' elephant?. No, not quite. Exquisite enough
to be one though. This gem and jewelry adorned ivory carving is a part of a collection of gems and jewelry at 
one of the biggest gem merchants in Sri Lanka. Carving 
Ivory into intricate and exquisite objects has a long 
history in south-east Asia, where ivory was abundant 
at one time before the invading forces from the West discovered the mysterious East. The kings and queens
in that part of the world always encouraged art, and 
artisans, jewelry makers, and painters among other 
various craftsmen were part of the Royal Entourage. 
They were provided with a livelihood free of day-to-day worries, so that they can spend their full time and effort
to do what they were good at. This may have been 
the start of the Caste system that was prevalent in 
countries like India and Sri Lanka until mass 
communication and mass transport made 
intermixing between the various castes possible,
and thus the end of the system. 
This carving appears to be that of Raja, the 
head elephant of Dalada Maligawa, the Temple of the 
Tooth in Kandy, carrying the sacred tooth relic 
on its back during the Esala Perahara. )


A vast majority of the people of Sri Lanka are 
Buddhists. But throughout history, folk cults with 
beings of supernatural powers that influence 
day-to-day lives of the people have entered the 
main stream Buddhism. There are elaborate rituals
to pacify the evil spirits, and to appease the 
benevolent. Although not encouraged by the 
Buddhist clergy, there is a large following of these 
rituals, specially in the southern part of the country. 
One of the most often performed rituals is the 
devil dancing, which is a form of exorcism, with 
quitea bit of spirited dancing, beating of drums, 
and chanting thrown in for good measure. The 
colorful and sometimes frightening masks worn 
by the performers, represent the good and evil 
spirits.These masks are all hand crafted by 
traditional craftsmen out of local soft woods and 
can be quite elaborate. The town of Ambalangoda in southern Sri Lanka is famous for these masks. 

Mirror wal

o adorn the "mirror wall" of the rock fortress 
Sigiriya in the northern plains of Sri Lanka. Painted in brilliant colors on mirror-finished plaster wall, some 
believe that they are asparas, heavenly nymphs. 
Perhaps they were ladies of the court on their way
to the temple or even ancient "pinups" for the 
entertainment of the lonesome young ruler. Painted 
during the reign of King Kasyapa in the fifth century
(A.D.), these frescoes have retained their brilliant 
colors until this day, protected from the sun, wind, 
and rain by the overhanging rock. Accompanying
these frescoes are graffiti left by the ancient visitors,
that are considered to be some 1,000 or more, 
years old. Although these speak of "five hundred 
damsels", today there are only eighteen to be seen.
Note: Some 30 years ago, in 1967, vandals 
succeeded in obliterating several of these 
priceless frescoes, but with the help of the 
Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. 
they were restored to their former splendor.


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